Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
Valproic Acid
General Recommendation
ECTR is recommended in severe VPA poisoning (1D)
ECTR is recommended if any of the following is present:
If the [VPA] is > 1300 mg/L (9000 μmol/L) (1D)
If shock is present (1D)
If cerebral edema is present (1D)
ECTR is suggested if any of the following is present:
If the [VPA] is > 900 mg/L (6250 μmol/L) (2D)
If coma or respiratory depression requiring mechanical ventilation is present (2D)
If acute hyperammonemia is present (2D)
If pH is < 7.10 (2D)
Cessation of ECTR is indicated if any of the following is present:
Clinical improvement is apparent (1D)
[VPA] is between 50 and 100 mg/L (350 – 700 μmol/L) (2D)
Choice of ECTR:
Intermittent hemodialysis is the preferred ECTR in VPA poisoning (1D)
If hemodialysis is not available, both intermittent hemoperfusion (1D) and CRRT (2D) are acceptable alternatives