Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
General Recommendation
ECTR is recommended in severe theophylline poisoning (1C)
ECTR is recommended if ANY of the following conditions are present:
[Theophylline] > 100 mg/L (555 µmol/L) in acute exposure (1C)
Seizures are present (1D)
Life-threatening dysrhythmias are present (1D)
Shock is present (1D)
There is a rising serum [theophylline] despite optimal therapy (1D)
There is clinical deterioration despite optimal therapy (1D)
ECTR is suggested if:
[Theophylline] > 60 mg/L (333 µmol/L) in chronic exposure (2D)
The patient is < 6 months or > 60 years old and the [theophylline] > 50 mg/L (278 µmol/L) in chronic exposure (2D)
Gastrointestinal decontamination cannot be administered (2D)
Cessation of ECTR:
Cessation of ECTR is recommended when clinical improvement is apparent OR the [theophylline] 15 mg/L (83 µmol/L) (1D)
Choice of ECTR:
Intermittent hemodialysis is the preferred recommended ECTR (1C)
The following are acceptable alternatives if hemodialysis is not available:
Hemoperfusion (1C)
Exchange transfusion is an alternative to hemodialysis in neonates (2D)
MDAC should be continued during ECTR (1D)