Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
General Recommendation
ECTR is suggested in severe carbamazepine poisoning (2D)
ECTR is recommended if ANY of the following conditions are present:
If multiple seizures refractory to treatment occur (1D)
If life-threatening dysrhythmias occur (1D)
ECTR is suggested if ANY of the following conditions are present:
If prolonged coma and/or respiratory depression requiring mechanical ventilation is present or expected (2D)
If significant toxicity persists, especially if carbamazepine concentrations rise or remain elevated, despite MDAC and support measures (2D)
Cessation of ECTR
Clinical improvement is apparent (1D)
Carbamazepine concentration is below 10 mg/L (42 µmol/L) (2D)
Choice of ECTR
Intermittent HD is the preferred ECTR in carbamazepine poisoning (1D)
The following are alternatives if hemodialysis is not available:
Intermittent hemoperfusion (1D)
Continuous renal replacement therapy (3D)
MDAC should be continued during ECTR (1D)