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Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
General Recommendation
ECTR is recommended in severe long-acting barbiturate poisoning (1D)
ECTR is recommended
If prolonged coma is present or expected (1D)
If shock is present after fluid resuscitation (1D)
If, despite MDAC treatment, toxicity persists (1D)
ECTR is suggested
If, despite MDAC treatment, serum barbiturate concentration rises or remains elevated (2D)
If respiratory depression necessitating mechanical ventilation is present (2D)
Choice of ECTR
Intermittent HD is the preferred mode of ECTR of severe barbiturate poisoning (1D)
HP (1D) or CRRT (3D) are acceptable alternative modalities in adults if HD is not available
Cessation of ECTR
Cessation of ECTR is indicated when clinical improvement is apparent (1D)
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