Blood Purification in Toxicology:Reviewing the Evidence and Providing Recommendations
Acetaminophen (pARACETAMOL)
General Recommendation
ECTR is suggested in severe acetaminophen (APAP) poisoning (2D)
ECTR is recommended:
If the [APAP] more than 1000 mg/L (6620 μmol/L) and NAC is NOT administered (1D)
If the patient presents with altered mental status, metabolic acidosis, with an elevated lactate, and an [APAP] is more than 700 mg/L (4630 μmol/L) and NAC is NOT administered (1D)
If the patient presents with an altered mental status, metabolic acidosis, an elevated lactate, and an [APAP] is more than 900 mg/L (5960 μmol/L) even if NAC is administered (1D)
ECTR is not recommended
On the basis of the reported ingested dose if NAC is administered (1D)
ECTR is not suggested
On the basis of reported ingested dose alone even if NAC is NOT administered (2D)
Solely on the basis of the [APAP] if NAC is administered (2D).
Choice of ECTR
Intermittent hemodialysis is the preferred ECTR in patients with APAP poisoning (1D)
The following are acceptable alternatives if HD is not available:
▪ Intermittent HP (1D)
▪ CRRT (3D)
▪ Exchange transfusion in neonates (2D)
Cessation of ECTR
ECTR is recommended until sustained clinical improvement is apparent (1D)
NAC therapy should be continued during ECTR at an increased rate (1D)